Guia Rápido
Capturas de tela


[Meet Velen and Hatuun in Nazzivian to search for signs of man'ari presence in the area.]


[Meet Velen and Hatuun in Nazzivian] (1)


[Man'ari evidence found] (3)


[First crystal] (1)


[Second crystal] (1)


[Third crystal] (1)


[I cannot in good conscience gather the draenei for the Tishamaat if we are threatened this close to home. If one of the man'ari is using the satyr to orchestrate these attacks, or to distract us from some larger foul purpose, then they must be rooted out immediately. We will divide our efforts to look for signs of the enemy. Arzaal will search the northern satyr camp. You, Hatuun, and myself will search the closer camp.]


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/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(78079))

