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Tools of the Highborne

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Retrieve 7 Highborne Relics for Thundris Windweaver in Auberdine.
Relíquia dos Altaneiros (7)


<class>. A task I would ask of you.

Have you seen the ruins of Ameth'Aran? If not, you will find them on the eastern side of the main road, some ways to the south. Once they were the home of many powerful Highborne, now they are a testament to the destruction their dabblings produced.

I have been told by the Sentinels that the spirits of the Highborne persist, and that they wield their ancient magical implements. Those relics must be appropriated, so that we might destroy them.


Você receberá:
Manilhas de Hera


Completando essa missão você ganhará:
Veja se já completou isto escrevendo:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(958))

