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Kidnapped Elder Torntusk!

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Primal Torntusk at Revantusk Village in the Hinterlands wants you to rescue her mate, Elder Torntusk, from Jintha'alor.

You have been told that he is being held prisoner atop Jintha'alor, the Vilebranch capital city located in the southern region of the Hinterlands.


My mate was taken by Vilebranch savages in a bold midnight raid on our village. Our spies have told me that he is still alive and being held prisoner atop Jintha'alor. The Vile Priestess Hexx is said to be preparing him for a sacrifice to the faceless blood God, Hakkar.

You must save him, <name>! Our village could not stand a loss this great.


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/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(7845))

