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Manna-Enriched Horse Feed

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Retrieve 20 Enriched Manna Biscuits - the key ingredient in making Manna-Enriched Horse Feed - for Merideth Carlson at Southshore in the Hillsbrad Foothills. The Argent Dawn is known as the sole purveyor of the biscuits.

You also need to give her 50 gold to soothe her ruffled sensibilities.
Biscoito de Maná Enriquecido (20)


Dinheiro necessário: 50 (1)


The Silver Hand thought me MAD when I told them that I could make a special horse feed that could nourish spiritual horses. EVERYONE thought I was mad! Well, now it's payback time!

I'll make what you need, PALADIN... so-called CHAMPION... but it will cost you. I need special biscuits - Enriched Manna Biscuits sold only by the Argent Dawn - for this blend. I also demand, yes DEMAND gold as compensation for the misery I have endured!

Show me the sacrifice you tout so much, PALADIN.


Você receberá:
Ração de Cavalo Enriquecida com Mana


Completando essa missão você ganhará:
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/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(7645))

