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[DEPRECATED] Souvenirs of Death

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Deathguard Samsa of Tarren Mill wants 30 Hillsbrad Human Skulls.
Crânio Humano de Eira dos Montes (30)


I hear you were enlisted by Darthalia to wage war on the humans of Hillsbrad. So jealous I am. . .

While you're off having all the fun -- slaying humans, pillaging the town, terrorizing innocent people -- I am stuck standing guard here in Tarren Mill.

Perhaps you'll take pity on an old Deathguard like myself? You see I am collecting human skulls. And you will be fighting humans for quite some time. Over the course of your long battle, bring me 30 skulls and I will make it worth your while.


Você receberá:
Anel de Crânio


Completando essa missão você ganhará:
Veja se já completou isto escrevendo:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(546))

