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The Art of the Armorsmith

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To become an Armorsmith, you must make the following items and return them to Grumnus: 4 Ornate Mithril Helms, 2 Ornate Mithril Boots, 1 Ornate Mithril Breastplate.
Elmo Ornado de Mithril (4)
Botas Ornadas de Mithril (2)
Peitoral Ornado de Mithril (1)


So ye made the smart decision.

There ain't no love lost betwixt me an old Ironus here. That good for nothing toy maker knows who the true craftsmen round here be.

The truly great wars are won with a good defense. When it be go time, no offense is gonna be helping ye out.

Right, so let's get to work. All ye need to do is show me that ye've got some raw talent. After that, I'll yank whatever impurities be left in ye and mold ye into an armorsmith. Ye do know how to make ornate mithril, don't ye?


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/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(5283))

