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[DEPRECATED] Elixir of Agony

Essa missão foi marcada como obsoleta pela Blizzard e não pode ser adquirida ou completada.
Bring a keg of Shindigger Stout to Apothecary Lydon in Tarren Mill.
Barril de Stout do Festeiro (1)


This new elixir is finally ready to be tested. But why let a perfectly good, highly contagious plague go to waste on a mere frog or dog? Let's have us some true fun in the name of Lady Sylvanas.

Head down to Dun Garok. You know the barracks where those filthy little dwarves skitter about. Steal me a keg of their Shindigger Stout. Once I have that keg, you and I will have quite the party, <name>.


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Veja se já completou isto escrevendo:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(517))

