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Broodling Essence

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Bring 8 Broodling Essence and the Draco-Incarcinatrix 900 to Tinkee Steamboil at the Flame Crest in the Burning Steppes.
Essência da Reprodução (8)
Draco-incarcinatrix 900 (Fornecido) (1)


I have been studying the dragonkin of the Burning Steppes for weeks, and I think I've finally had a breakthrough! I created a device--I call it the Draco Incarcinatrix 900. It can capture the essence of dragon whelp broodlings!

Or, at least I think it can.

Here, take the device and zap a broodling in the Burning Steppes with it. While it's under the device's effects, defeat the broodling and its essence should be released.

If it is, then splendid! Bring me back samples so I can study them!


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/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(4726))

