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The Prophecy of Mosh'aru

Essa missão foi marcada como obsoleta pela Blizzard e não pode ser adquirida ou completada.
Bring the First and Second Mosh'aru Tablets to Yeh'kinya in Tanaris.
Primeira Tabuleta Mosh'Aru (1)
Segunda Tabuleta Mosh'Aru (1)


The ancient prophecy of Mosh'aru speaks of a way to contain the god Hakkar's essence. It was written on two tablets and taken to the troll city of Zul'Farrak, west of Gadgetzan.

Bring me the Mosh'aru tablets!

The first tablet is held by the long-dead troll Theka the Martyr. It is said his persecutors were cursed into scarabs and now scuttle about his shrine.

The second tablet is held by the hydromancer Velratha, near the sacred pool of Gahz'rilla.

When you have the tablets, bring them to me.


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/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(3527))

