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Scarab Shells

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Bring 5 Uncracked Scarab Shells to Tran'rek in Gadgetzan.
Couraça de Escaravelho Fechada (5)


The scarabs of Tanaris have very hard shells! Hard enough to use as a building material for lots of things. So many things!

In fact, those shells are so useful... the scarabs were hunted all to near extinction!

I know where there are more scarabs, and if you promise to bring me their shells then I'll tell you where they are. Promise?

Ok, the scarabs have a colony in Zul'Farrak. I guess the trolls don't hunt them for their shells.

But you can! Go to Zul'Farrak and get me uncracked shells!


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/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(2865))

