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Rig Wars

Essa missão foi marcada como obsoleta pela Blizzard e não pode ser adquirida ou completada.
Retrieve the Rig Blueprints and Thermaplugg's Safe Combination from Gnomeregan and bring them to Nogg in Orgrimmar.
Planta da Plataforma (1)
Thermaplugg's Safe Combination (1)


Gnome technology - two years ago its most common use was as a punch line. Times certainly have changed. Now they've got a new rig built that's better than all our shredder models combined. I need the blueprints, <name>!

Unfortunately, the plans are locked away in a safe near Mekgineer Thermaplugg. To make matters worse, the combination to the safe is only known by Mekgineer Thermaplugg.

Do whatever you have to do to get that combination, <name>. Then crack open that safe and bring back those blueprints!


Você vai poder escolher uma dessas recompensas:
Vestes de Civínada Culotes Corretrecho
Perneiras Duplas Reforçadas


Completando essa missão você ganhará:
Veja se já completou isto escrevendo:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(2841))

