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Snickerfang Jowls

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Bring three Snickerfang Jowls, two Blasted Boar Lungs, and one Scorpok Pincer to Bloodmage Drazial.
Mandíbula de Rasgarrindo (3)
Pulmão de Javali Destroçado (2)
Tenaz de Escórpode (1)


It is a well known fact that hyenas possess tremendous strength in their jowls, but the strength to snap through three inches of thorium steel? Impossible, improbable, and yet I have seen this demonstrated with my own eyes.

Venture forth, into the Blasted Lands, and bring me three snickerfang jowls. As you search for the snickerfang, be on the lookout for boars and scorpoks: The initial assay also requires two blasted boar lungs and one scorpok pincer to complete.


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/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(2581))

