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Heroes of Darrowshire

Essa missão foi marcada como obsoleta pela Blizzard e não pode ser adquirida ou completada.
Bring Davil's Libram and Redpath's Shield to Carlin Redpath.
Incunábulo de Davil (1)
Escudo de Trilharrubra (1)


The heroes of Darrowshire hold a place in my heart, and the book you brought me, the Annals of Darrowshire, tells their tales.

It tells of the paladin Davil Lightfire and how the Crusade took his libram to the town hall of Hearthglen.

Its passages also speak of my brother, Captain Redpath. After his betrayal, his shield was cracked and discarded and now lies in the most unlikely of places -- near the barn of Gahrron's Withering.

Gather these relics, <name>. For fate and tragedy surrounds them.


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/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(5168))

