Guia Rápido
Capturas de tela

Trono dos Quatro Ventos


  • O Conclave do Vento – With Siamat, Lord of the South Wind, imprisoned by the Neferset tol'vir, Al'Akir's lieutenants are vying to fill the power vacuum that now exists in the Conclave of Wind. The remaining conclave members are Anshal, Lord of the West Wind, whose gales can heal allies or poison enemies; Rohash, Lord of the East Wind, whose tempests can grind the mightiest mountains to dust; and Nezir, Lord of the North Wind, whose frigid storms have claimed more lives than all other cardinal wind lords combined.
  • Al'Akir – Dotado de grande inteligência e astúcia, Al'Akir, o Senhor dos Ventos, foi o principal tático dos terríveis exércitos dos Deuses Antigos. Com o Cataclismo, Al'Akir alinhou-se a Asa da Morte e voltou seus poderes divinos contra muitas das ancestrais nêmesis tol'vir dos elementais do ar.


